Little D's first day of school
September 1st, 2008
September 1st, 2008
Little D appeared to adjust wonderfully when we dropped her off in her classroom today. Later that evening she had a mini break down. She said she was nervous and that her body can't handle it and she was scare and embarrased. It was so cute but heartbreaking at the same time. I think she was just a little overwhelmed and tired. Girls get emotional when they are tired. She said she had a friend at her seahorse table that has the same name as her brother. She also said she has three teachers. I met her teacher and the MSU student teacher and was confused about the 3rd. I later found out that it was another teacher that had spare time and decided to help out her class for a few weeks. When I asked her who she played with she said I don't know. :) then she said that her friend Daniella followed her around on the playground.
I was able to have one on one time with the teachers on the 3rd. It is nice to know she will get more attention in a smaller school. She will have extra specials then a regular public school. She will be doing art, PE, library, dance, and music. I believe the teacher said she will have a performance soon. We will find out in the Friday letters. I have decided to join the PTA. I plan on having a huge appearence in her education. I told the teachers that I plan on volunteering a lot. I am so glad that I can be there for my kids and support them almost 24-7. Next to my hubby, my kids are more important then anything in the world. Money does NOT equal success for our family. You can buy many things but I don't remember anything my parents bought me I only remember the times we spent together. Both my hubby and I wish we could figure out a way he could stay home with the kids too. Thanks sweetie for supporting our family and working hard. We know how much you miss us while you are at work. I appreciate your support in joining the PTA.
Check out the album at the link below.
Big C