Tuesday, Dec. 2nd, 2008
Little D went on a field trip with her class to Wharton to see Junie B. Jones. We sat in the center bowl around aisle 50 row E or F. Little D said her favorite scene was the sugar cookie scene. On the bus ride back to school I entertianed Little D and her classmate with the rock, paper, sissors game.
As described online at WhartonCenter.com
Schedule Share Running Time: 1 hour
Hurray, Hurray! Junie B. Jones is finally graduating from kindergarten and is ready for first grade, at last! But getting used to the whole new group of friends, a new teacher, and new glasses is challenging, even for irrepressible Junie B. Follow her adventures as she writes everything down in her “top-secret personal beeswax” journal.
Click here to view the Junie B. Jones album
Big C