Sunday, January 25th, 2009
The whole family went to Jumpin Jax bounce arena on Sunday for a friends birthday party. Jumpin' Jax is a 10,000 sq foot facility that contains 5 (five) giant inflatables. The kids were able to burn off major energy. I highly recommend this place if your kids have the winter shut in blues. It is fun for us adults too. I went down the big slide a few times but kept loosing my breath because of my stupid cold and feverishly search for my inhaler the doctor prescribed. Anyway, be careful because the slides bite. Little D and I received rubber burns (like carpet burns but by rubber. OUCH! Big D had a blast letting the children ride down the slide on his back. We received some free passes and plan on going back next month.
Big C
Zehnder’s Snowfest
Saturday, January 24th, 2009
I went to Frankenmuth today with some friends. It was packed because of the snow festival (wall to wall people). We didn't plan on the festival so it was a nice addition to our trip. We walked the town viewing the beautiful ice and snow sculptures such as kool aid, princess castle, brick fireplace, Pepsi logos, swans, etc.. however, my favorite was of a women sitting bending over her knees. I got a great picture of a dragon snow sculpture. I took the shot as the sun was setting so the sun was shining through the dragons mouth and with the suns position it appears as though the dragon is breathing a fireball. I wish I could do local news photography because I think it would be a blast to attend different hometown events, like this one, with a camera in hand and then see my picture published. My dragon photo would totally look nice on a Frankenmuth brochure or newspaper. I think I might just have to go back to school and study photography once my kids start attending school all day. I just don't want anything to do with Wedding Photography. Anyway, we had a full filling lunch (literally) with ADULT hot chocolate, made some preztels, did some shopping, and wine tasting. To my surprise I think I like Cherry wine. Who Knew? I still prefer PESPI. I wonder if I could patient a PEPSI wine? Good for me, it appeared that Pepsi sponsored the event so there was Pepsi ice sculptures all over town and even a HUGE Pepsi bottle. On our shopping adventure I purchased a hunting ornament for Zach from Bronners (shhhh) and a ribbon cookie cutter which I plan to use to make pink ribbon cookies.
It was good old fashion girl time. Shopping + Laughter
Click Here to view
the Frankenmuth Album
Click Here for Frankenmuth's Website
Big C
Make a Smilebox slideshow |
I went to Frankenmuth today with some friends. It was packed because of the snow festival (wall to wall people). We didn't plan on the festival so it was a nice addition to our trip. We walked the town viewing the beautiful ice and snow sculptures such as kool aid, princess castle, brick fireplace, Pepsi logos, swans, etc.. however, my favorite was of a women sitting bending over her knees. I got a great picture of a dragon snow sculpture. I took the shot as the sun was setting so the sun was shining through the dragons mouth and with the suns position it appears as though the dragon is breathing a fireball. I wish I could do local news photography because I think it would be a blast to attend different hometown events, like this one, with a camera in hand and then see my picture published. My dragon photo would totally look nice on a Frankenmuth brochure or newspaper. I think I might just have to go back to school and study photography once my kids start attending school all day. I just don't want anything to do with Wedding Photography. Anyway, we had a full filling lunch (literally) with ADULT hot chocolate, made some preztels, did some shopping, and wine tasting. To my surprise I think I like Cherry wine. Who Knew? I still prefer PESPI. I wonder if I could patient a PEPSI wine? Good for me, it appeared that Pepsi sponsored the event so there was Pepsi ice sculptures all over town and even a HUGE Pepsi bottle. On our shopping adventure I purchased a hunting ornament for Zach from Bronners (shhhh) and a ribbon cookie cutter which I plan to use to make pink ribbon cookies.
It was good old fashion girl time. Shopping + Laughter
Click Here to view
the Frankenmuth Album
Click Here for Frankenmuth's Website
Big C
Little C and a short haircut
Wednesday, January 21st, 2009
I took little C to get a haircut today at Fantastic Sams. I did something I thought I would never do but I had the hair dresser give her a short hair cut. Little C has a sensitive head a got snarls very easily. She cries every time I brush it so it was time to try something different. It is so easy to take care of now and it looks super cute. Now, little D wants short hair but I don't think I will ever let her. Such a mean and NOT fair mom.
Click Here for Little C's short hair cut photo album
Big C
Nice Day at the Mall
Saturday, January 17th, 2009
Today my husband braved taking his three girls to the mall. Yankee Candle was having a huge sale. My hubby wanted to buy some candles but is was hard for me to tell what I liked because my sniffer wasn't working. I had to ask big D to smell them for me. I sure hope we picked out some nice smelling ones. Luckily, I trust my hubby. We made the mistake of stopping at the video game store and ended up with a game for big D and a Barbie game for the girls. I got a power pack to use on the ps2 for my games. We contemplated on getting Dance, Dance, revolution but will save that for the next visit because we also need to get the dance pad. We decided on Ruby Tuesday's for dinner and then off to church we went. I am sure this is one of many trips we will be making to the mall once the girls get old enough to understand what it means. I personally look forward to that day and I can tell big D does too. Just one of the reasons I love him. It will be so special to watch a father and his daughter shopping for the perfect prom dress. Not that I want to rush that because after shopping for that dress daddy will be waiting at the door with a shot gun for her date. :) J/K
Big C
Today my husband braved taking his three girls to the mall. Yankee Candle was having a huge sale. My hubby wanted to buy some candles but is was hard for me to tell what I liked because my sniffer wasn't working. I had to ask big D to smell them for me. I sure hope we picked out some nice smelling ones. Luckily, I trust my hubby. We made the mistake of stopping at the video game store and ended up with a game for big D and a Barbie game for the girls. I got a power pack to use on the ps2 for my games. We contemplated on getting Dance, Dance, revolution but will save that for the next visit because we also need to get the dance pad. We decided on Ruby Tuesday's for dinner and then off to church we went. I am sure this is one of many trips we will be making to the mall once the girls get old enough to understand what it means. I personally look forward to that day and I can tell big D does too. Just one of the reasons I love him. It will be so special to watch a father and his daughter shopping for the perfect prom dress. Not that I want to rush that because after shopping for that dress daddy will be waiting at the door with a shot gun for her date. :) J/K
Big C
Glam Shots

Saturday, January 10th, 2009
It was a beautiful sunny winter day and a perfect day to be outside for picture taking. You can't beat natural lighting.
Make a Smilebox slideshow |
Game Night

Saturday, January 3rd, 2009
Big D and I hosted game night at our house today. We had a wonderful turn out of approximately 5 couples and 10 children. I originally scheduled a babysitter for the night to watch the kids in the basement as the adults enjoyed the games upstairs, however, she came down with the flu. So, needless to say the kids had a GREAT time in the basement. Actually, the children were very well behaved. Good parents... Good children. Hopefully, the good nature continued because with the lack of sleep and a possible sugar buzz one never knows. Every now and then I would catch a child scurrying downstairs with a fist full of candy or cookies (YIKES). We played two of my favorite games. Euchre and "What would you do if..." I think it is actually a crime to live in Michigan and NOT know how to play Euchre. I was introduced to "What would you do if... " word game a few months ago and absolutely love it. It is a simple yet hilarious game. All you need is a piece of paper, pen, and a creative mind. You start by passing out cards that read "What would you do if...." Then you have each players finish the question. For Example "What would you do if you won a million dollars?" then you switch the cards up and have a different person answer the question. Once all the questions are answered you go around in a circle read your question and answer. At this point it all makes sense. For example : What would you do if you won a million dollars? Answer: I would faint. Or...What would you do if your car broke down on the highway? Answer: I would scream for help. However, after every card has been read you go around the circle forward and then backward reading your question with someone else's answer. Such as .. What would you do if you won a million dollars? Other persons answer: I would scream for help. By the time you are done everyone is laughing their butts off. It is one of the funniest games I have ever played. Some people are very creative with their questions and answers. Warning: It can get risqu'e . One of my favorite answers was "sue Mike S." We teased Mike all night long. Luckily, he is a GREAT sport. Thanks for a night full of fun and laughter!
Game Night Photo Album
Big C
New Years Day & Christmas with the Stones

Thursday, January 1st, 2009
We had a great day celebrating Christmas with Grandma Stone today. Grandma was really excited to see the girls open up the jewelry boxes she got for them. We had a delicious turkey dinner and the usually coconut cream pie. I can't believe how big the kids are getting. I took a picture of Mitch and little D together and reminisced about when they were little babies. It seems like yesterday. I used to hate it when my relatives would say "oh... look how you've grown" and now I am saying it but it so true. You can really see how fast time goes by when you watch growing children. I had a great time playing "Apples to Apples" with Beth and my brother. My brother was getting so frustrated because he thought Beth and I were in cahoots with each other. I guess girls just think alike ....that's my story and I am sticking too it. Z, little D, and little C enjoyed playing in the basement with their cousins until Z kept turning the lights out. TEENAGERS... can't live with them and can't live with out them. Well, I have ran out of cliches for the day so I will end with "it is what it is".
New Years Day Photo Album
Stone Christmas Photo Album
Big C
New Years Eve

Wednesday, December 31st, 2008
We had an uneventful New years. Z had a friend over and played video games until midnight. I did laundry (yippie) and the girls slept. My hubby, Z, and I brought in the new year watching Times Square on the TV and a big kiss afterward. Above is a pic of Z and his friend trying to show 2009 on their fingers.
Click HERE for photos from New Years eve
Big C
Barbie tortures MOM
December 28th, 2008
Have you ever seen Barbie and the Diamond Castle.? My girls love it. They got the Diamond Castle barbies for Christmas which I am very grateful for however they play the barbies song "I feel connected" all day long. Now, my challenge to you is to play this video a hundred times and tell me whether or not Barbie should die. Pure torture... I tell ya. See the sacrifice parents make for their children happiness.
Big C
Christmas Letter 2008
Thursday, December 25th, 2008
As many of you know that we have struggled over the past few years with financial and health issues. However this year we have experience many new, exciting, and uplifting adventures such as Big D achieving a new job, Z reaching teenage years, Little D starting kindergarten, and Little C spending quality time at home with mom. We have also met some GREAT new friends that have helped us grow our faith by leaps and bounds. Our lease will be ending in July and we hope to move.
Finally, Big D has finished grad school and obtained a masters degree in Historic Preservation. He started his new career as an Economic Restructuring Specialists at the State of Michigan in the MSHDA department for the Main Street Program. He is excited to begin the process of developing and improving Michigan’s down towns. Big D and his friends are in the process of organizing a Black Smith guild at Woldumar Nature Center compassing local Black Smith artists. The guild will be performing monthly demonstrations at Woldumar. The group has been contemplating naming the guild B.I.G (Black Iron Guild).
I love my career as the C.O.O of our family. I enjoy volunteering at Little D’s school and kindergarten classroom. I am fortunate to be able to create personal relationships with her teachers and classmates. I have assumed the role of assistant table leader for my MOPS (Mother of Preschoolers) group. MOPS is an amazing organization that aids mothers of young children to connect with other mothers. As a group we entertain each other with faith based discussions, play dates, and crafts. It is a pleasure to spend the 1st and 3rd Wednesday’s of the month with these ladies. Together with Little D’s school and the MOPS group I have the opportunity to participate in many fun activities with the kids and cherished social time with friends. For fun I enjoy taking pictures of the children, scrap booking, updating my blog, and connecting with others on facebook ( Blogging is my way of preserving our family history of events. I plan on using the online journal in our scrapbooks. It’s comforting to know the kids have a lifetime storybook to treasure for years to come. Scrapbooking has been a healing gateway for me. It gives me peace to know that if for some reason my life is cut short there will always be that part of me left behind. Unfortunately, since my diagnosis of cancer four years ago a shortened life span is occasionally on my mind but I also have tremendous hope because the chances of a reoccurrence decreases greatly after five years of being cancer free. I’m almost there!
Z loves being thirteen years old and in the 7th grade. It is hard to believe that I officially have a teenager. YIKES!!! In his free time he enjoys to play online games such as Webkins. He recently informed me that he wants to make $150,000 a year designing video games. What would this generation do with out a computer and text messaging? He has been getting more involved and interested in hunting with his dad and during his last hunting trip he saw an albino buck. Z has been serving in the children’s ministry at church. I have received many compliments on how well he interacts with the younger kids.
Little D started full day kindergarten at a magnet school for visual and performing arts. Along with her normal studies she also learns about art, music, choir, theatre, and dance. She attends one of these classes per day. She performed her first dance in the front lawn of the school at the Halloween Party and will perform again in the Christmas show. She had a hard time during the first week of school but now loves her teacher and has met many new friends.
Littte C is currently taking a cheerleading class. She is enjoying doing things with mom while Little D is at school, however I wish she would refrain from telling her sister about the trips we take with out her to McDonalds, the park, etc... Little C loves to go to Little D’s school once a week to help out. She also attends a drop in child center a few times a month and is in love with her teacher Mrs. Angela. On weeks we can’t attend Family Growth Little C says “I want to go to school because I miss Mrs. Angela as much as a big, big heart”. Little C has met a few new friends in Moppets this year and I am glad she gets to enjoy them while I am at MOPS.
Remember to be still and absorb this holiday season for all its traditions and memories.
Zechariah 2:13 (NIV) Be still before the LORD, all mankind, because he has roused himself from his holy dwelling."
Happy Holidays,
Big D, Big C, Z, Little D, and Little C
Make a Smilebox scrapbook |
As many of you know that we have struggled over the past few years with financial and health issues. However this year we have experience many new, exciting, and uplifting adventures such as Big D achieving a new job, Z reaching teenage years, Little D starting kindergarten, and Little C spending quality time at home with mom. We have also met some GREAT new friends that have helped us grow our faith by leaps and bounds. Our lease will be ending in July and we hope to move.
Finally, Big D has finished grad school and obtained a masters degree in Historic Preservation. He started his new career as an Economic Restructuring Specialists at the State of Michigan in the MSHDA department for the Main Street Program. He is excited to begin the process of developing and improving Michigan’s down towns. Big D and his friends are in the process of organizing a Black Smith guild at Woldumar Nature Center compassing local Black Smith artists. The guild will be performing monthly demonstrations at Woldumar. The group has been contemplating naming the guild B.I.G (Black Iron Guild).
I love my career as the C.O.O of our family. I enjoy volunteering at Little D’s school and kindergarten classroom. I am fortunate to be able to create personal relationships with her teachers and classmates. I have assumed the role of assistant table leader for my MOPS (Mother of Preschoolers) group. MOPS is an amazing organization that aids mothers of young children to connect with other mothers. As a group we entertain each other with faith based discussions, play dates, and crafts. It is a pleasure to spend the 1st and 3rd Wednesday’s of the month with these ladies. Together with Little D’s school and the MOPS group I have the opportunity to participate in many fun activities with the kids and cherished social time with friends. For fun I enjoy taking pictures of the children, scrap booking, updating my blog, and connecting with others on facebook ( Blogging is my way of preserving our family history of events. I plan on using the online journal in our scrapbooks. It’s comforting to know the kids have a lifetime storybook to treasure for years to come. Scrapbooking has been a healing gateway for me. It gives me peace to know that if for some reason my life is cut short there will always be that part of me left behind. Unfortunately, since my diagnosis of cancer four years ago a shortened life span is occasionally on my mind but I also have tremendous hope because the chances of a reoccurrence decreases greatly after five years of being cancer free. I’m almost there!
Z loves being thirteen years old and in the 7th grade. It is hard to believe that I officially have a teenager. YIKES!!! In his free time he enjoys to play online games such as Webkins. He recently informed me that he wants to make $150,000 a year designing video games. What would this generation do with out a computer and text messaging? He has been getting more involved and interested in hunting with his dad and during his last hunting trip he saw an albino buck. Z has been serving in the children’s ministry at church. I have received many compliments on how well he interacts with the younger kids.
Little D started full day kindergarten at a magnet school for visual and performing arts. Along with her normal studies she also learns about art, music, choir, theatre, and dance. She attends one of these classes per day. She performed her first dance in the front lawn of the school at the Halloween Party and will perform again in the Christmas show. She had a hard time during the first week of school but now loves her teacher and has met many new friends.
Littte C is currently taking a cheerleading class. She is enjoying doing things with mom while Little D is at school, however I wish she would refrain from telling her sister about the trips we take with out her to McDonalds, the park, etc... Little C loves to go to Little D’s school once a week to help out. She also attends a drop in child center a few times a month and is in love with her teacher Mrs. Angela. On weeks we can’t attend Family Growth Little C says “I want to go to school because I miss Mrs. Angela as much as a big, big heart”. Little C has met a few new friends in Moppets this year and I am glad she gets to enjoy them while I am at MOPS.
Remember to be still and absorb this holiday season for all its traditions and memories.
Zechariah 2:13 (NIV) Be still before the LORD, all mankind, because he has roused himself from his holy dwelling."
Happy Holidays,
Big D, Big C, Z, Little D, and Little C
Christmas Eve
Thursday, December 24th, 2008
On the way home from St. J's we took a tour of the Christmas lights around town. The kids fell asleep on the ride back so we didn't do much when we got home. We set out the reindeer food that little D made in school and the cookies/milk for Santa. The girls were really excited to put out the cookies this year. Santa was really tired and glad the wrapping was done. Not a creature was stirring.
Big C
Christmas w/ Mom and Dad K13
Wednesday, December 24th, 2008
We had our Christmas celebration with the K13's and Chants today in St. J's. We had lasagna for dinner and then opened gifts. The kids recieved many nice items such as
clothes, princess dress up, pj's, books, sheets, movies, webkins, doll house, and more. Big D and I recieved many nice things as well. Big D was excited to give mom and J thier hand forged/welded magnetic photo frame. I got one too! Yippie. Nice work on the frames... babe.
Big C
Crosslan Christmas
Sunday, December 21st, 2008
We celebrated Christmas with Big D's mom side of the family at the Ovid community church. The hall was a nice open space where the kids and grownups alike could run around and play. Little D got "Little Pet Shop" in the kids exchange and Little C got a stamping kit. The adults had tons of fun playing white elephant. The Biggby and Itunesgift cards got traded a lot. I was glad the Itunes card was well liked. I might have to get one again for next year. Also, VF really wanted the girlie purse. He looked soooo good in it too. We had scalped potatoes, ham, veggies, dirt cake, and many more yummies for dinner.
Big C
Little D's School Holiday Party
Thursday, December 18th, 2008
Little D had an amazing school holiday party. She did many crafts such as making reindeer food for Rudolph, writing a letter to Santa, coloring holiday pictures, and making a candy necklace. She ate pizza, cupcakes, candycanes, and many more delicious snacks. The teacher was really excited to see her Teacher Store gift certificate from some of the students. I was very happy to contribute and organize the donations. I love the Teacher Store and am afraid to go in because I could drop a lot of dough in that place. In little D's letter to Santa she asked him for a swimming baby. We had a hard time finding a swimming baby in any of the stores so we order it online from Amazon.
Big C
Shopping with the girl friends
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Some friends and I met at Olive Garden today. After dinner we went to the mall, Toys r Us, Khols, and Meijer for some Christmas shopping. I was finally able to find some webkins ornaments in the mall at Hallmark. I got more shopping done then I expected. It helped to have a savings guru with me. It was so nice to chit chat and shop with the girls. We had lots of fun and laughs. I will have to tell you the story about Dick's Sporting Goods sometime. Right.... Becky?
Big C
Some friends and I met at Olive Garden today. After dinner we went to the mall, Toys r Us, Khols, and Meijer for some Christmas shopping. I was finally able to find some webkins ornaments in the mall at Hallmark. I got more shopping done then I expected. It helped to have a savings guru with me. It was so nice to chit chat and shop with the girls. We had lots of fun and laughs. I will have to tell you the story about Dick's Sporting Goods sometime. Right.... Becky?
Big C
Trinity Group Christmas Party

Tuesday, December 16th, 2008
We went to our friends house for a Christmas get together on Tuesday night. We had a house full of ten adults and eleven kids. I think the adults were louder than the kids this time because we were hootin and howling while playing boxing on the Wii. My arms were sore for 3 days afterwards. Thanks for the good food and good friends.
Big C
Santa Visit with all the kids
Saturday, December 13th, 2008
The kids and I went to the Mall to visit with Santa. After Santa we had tacos for lunch and browsed around the stores. The girls played on the riding toys and Z played with a DS system at the video game store. The girls told Santa that they wanted swimming babies for Christmas. For some reason I could not get Z to sit on Santa's lap. I guess teenager's don't do that. LOL
Visit wih Santa 2008 Photo Album
Big C
Grandparent Day - Gingerbread Houses
Friday, December 12th, 2008
Little D's school has a tradition of making Gingerbread Houses every Christmas Holiday. They invite the grandparents to come and make a house with the kindergarten classes. Grandma and Grandpa K13 came and made a house with liitle D. I helped out the teachers by setting out the goodies to make the houses with. The goodies included these items: graham crackers, frosting, marshmallows, skittles, M&M's, gumdrops, and pretzels. We had to make sure it was good so we made sure to eat some of it when we got home.
Gingerbread House Photo Album
Big C
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