Saturday, January 3rd, 2009
Big D and I hosted game night at our house today. We had a wonderful turn out of approximately 5 couples and 10 children. I originally scheduled a babysitter for the night to watch the kids in the basement as the adults enjoyed the games upstairs, however, she came down with the flu. So, needless to say the kids had a GREAT time in the basement. Actually, the children were very well behaved. Good parents... Good children. Hopefully, the good nature continued because with the lack of sleep and a possible sugar buzz one never knows. Every now and then I would catch a child scurrying downstairs with a fist full of candy or cookies (YIKES). We played two of my favorite games. Euchre and "What would you do if..." I think it is actually a crime to live in Michigan and NOT know how to play Euchre. I was introduced to "What would you do if... " word game a few months ago and absolutely love it. It is a simple yet hilarious game. All you need is a piece of paper, pen, and a creative mind. You start by passing out cards that read "What would you do if...." Then you have each players finish the question. For Example "What would you do if you won a million dollars?" then you switch the cards up and have a different person answer the question. Once all the questions are answered you go around in a circle read your question and answer. At this point it all makes sense. For example : What would you do if you won a million dollars? Answer: I would faint. Or...What would you do if your car broke down on the highway? Answer: I would scream for help. However, after every card has been read you go around the circle forward and then backward reading your question with someone else's answer. Such as .. What would you do if you won a million dollars? Other persons answer: I would scream for help. By the time you are done everyone is laughing their butts off. It is one of the funniest games I have ever played. Some people are very creative with their questions and answers. Warning: It can get risqu'e . One of my favorite answers was "sue Mike S." We teased Mike all night long. Luckily, he is a GREAT sport. Thanks for a night full of fun and laughter!
Game Night Photo Album
Big C