Sunday, February 1st, 2009
After ice cream we went to a friends house for an auto machanic lesson and dinner. Our van broke down a couple days ago and big D needed help repairing it. As the guys tore apart the engine I was busy engineering a snowman with the kids. I was happy to be outside in the wonderful warm and sunny wheather and the kids needed to unleash some energy. I had trouble lifting the center of the snowman so I pulled the guys away from van repair to help strong arm the snow. We used prunes for the eyes, carrot for the nose, and black eyed peas for the mouth. When the snowman was done we went inside for dinner and a game of Euchre. Two things native to Michiganers, remove coats when winter temp hits 30 or above and playing Euchre. We appreciate the wonderful support and helping hand provided by our friends.
God Bless,
Big C