Little D girl scout Daisy troop 514
Thursday, February 26th, 2009
Girl Scout Cookie order has been place and will arrive soon. Little D received her tunic and first badge for learning the girl scout promise.
My first Scrubbie and Crochet Project
Thursday, February 26th, 2009
New Creations meets the last Thursday’s of the month from 6-9pm at Trinity Church. It is lead to serve people with handmade craft projects. This month we were instructed on how to crochet a pot holder for the women at Angel House in Dearborn. I used to crochet as a teenager. Grandma taught me the basics back in the day but I needed a refresher. My generous Grandma currently crochets scrubbies (pan scrubbers) for me on request. I asked her if she would write down the instructions and send them to me so I could learn how to make them too. Since Grandma lives far away I needed to find someone in the area to show me the basics again. A few days after receiving the instructions and supplies from Grandma I received an email about learning how to crochet with the New Creations group. (GOD works in GREAT ways). Luckily it didn’t take me long to catch on just like riding a bike you never really forget. I started a pot holder for Angel house at the meeting and then my dear friend helped me figure out how to start the scrubbie. I finished the scrubbie at home and I am now inspired to do a scarf. I gave my first scarf to baby Sam because I finished it at her house.

Jumpin Jaks
Wednesday, February 25th, 2009
Big C and I went to Jumpin Jaks in Lansing today with Hannah, Atiya, Audra, and Emily. Hannah's mom was able to join us. It was fun as always.
Little D Monday Mentors
Monday, February 23rd, 2009
Little D has a wonderful opportunity to participate in an after school reading program. The goal is for the student teachers to work directly with the children in subjects such as reading, letter recognition, writing, hearing and recording sounds, manipulating numbers, comparing numbers, and geometrical shapes. Thanks to Ms. Czaja, Ms. Dahlin, and Ms. Hopper.

Bergeon 40th Birthday Party
Sunday, February 22nd, 2009
Big D and the girls went to the Bergeon's 40th birthday party in Mason today.

Euchre Tournament
Saturday, February 21st, 2009
I attended a Euchre tournament with my neighbor in Dewitt. I had a good time but didn't win the jackpot. darn it.
Date Night
Friday, February 20th, 2009
Big D and I had a date night tonight. We had dinner at Max n Erma's in East Lansing and then went to NCG Cinema's to view Mall Cop.
In Columbia Pictures' comedy Paul Blart: Mall Cop, Kevin James stars as the title character, a single, suburban dad, trying to make ends meet as a security officer at a New Jersey mall. It's a job he takes very seriously, though no one else does. When Santa's helpers at the mall stage a coup, shutting down the megaplex and taking hostages (Paul's daughter and sweetheart among them), Jersey's most formidable mall cop will have to become a real cop to save the day. Mall Cop Myspace
We love Blart. I recommend this movie.
Thanks to our friends that watch the girls so my hubby and I could have couple time.

Friday, February 20th, 2009
Downtowns as Economic Clusters
By Dace Koenigsknecht
Economic Restructuring Specialist
Michigan Main Street Center
Michigan State Housing Development Authority
My wonderful husband wrote this article. Nice job!!! Babe.
Michigan Main Street: Downtowns as Economic Clusters
Twistar’s and Play Date
Monday, February 16th, 2009
Little D didn't not have school today so we went to Twistar's with Atiya, Audra, Riley, and Savanna. After twistar's we had lunch at Subway. Then we went home and had Little D's school friend Brooklyn over to play. What a fun and busy day.
Valentines Day
Saturday, February 14th, 2009
Little D opened all her V-day cards that she received from school. We had a wonderful evening.

Valentines Day Pictures
Chuck E Cheese
Saturday, February 14th, 2009
We went to Chuck E. Cheese with our cousins today to celebrate Little C and Little J birthday. We had pizza for dinner and played a billion video games. I tried dance, dance revolution. I didn't realize it was so aerobic. Little C received many wonderful gifts such as: books, princess balloon, and clothes. The girls also received V-day Cards from Aunt J.

Chuck E Cheese Pictures
Little D’s Spring school pictures
Thursday, February 12th, 2009
Little D had her life touch spring portrait taken today. I dressed her in blue because little C and Z had their pics taken early this year in blue. Now all the 8x10's on the wall with coordinate beautifully.
Little D's School Valentine's Day Party
Friday, February 13th, 2009
Little D enjoyed her school party. They did many activities such as heart chart, frosting sugar cookies, and making a love bug. For lunch they had pizza and snacks. Daddy and I purchased two carnation from the school to be given to her during the party. Little D's friend Stacy didn't receive a carnation so my wonderful and thoughtful daughter gave her one of hers.

V-day Party Pictures
Little C’s 4 year well baby checkup
Friday, February 6th, 2009