Tuesday, September 8th, 2009
With her Ni Hao Kai-lan (a cartoon on Nickelodeon) back pack in tow little D headed off for 1st grade today. Since the first day of school is always scary daddy picked flowers for her to put in her little purse that was attached to her back pack. He instructed her to take them out and look at them when she felt sad or scared . These particular flowers are special because she planted them while in Kindergarten then transfered them into our front yard and they grew like wildfire. Little D searched for a new desk to sit occupy in Mrs. Ramirez Class. She decided to sit next to Daniela. Daniela has been in her class since preschool so they know each other really well. I personally believe this was an awesome choice! Daniela is a sweat, nice, well mannered little girl. Before Mrs. Rameriz took attendance and lunch choice little D told me to let the teacher know that she wanted cold and hot lunch. Wow... what a hungry young lady. Little D had a very successful first day and was thrilled to be in first grade.
Big C