Tuesday, October 27th, 2009
Today, I went to Marshall with my mom and friend (B) to look at scarecrows from the scarecrow festival. We walked downtown and went into the shops and then had lunch at a local diner. After lunch I showed my mom and B where the Temple of Love letterbox was. I found this box last summer. Then, B and I had fun throwing leaves at each other while my mom took our picture at Brooks Memorial Fountain Park.
On our way home B and I stopped at Cornwells in Turkeyville. We did a little shopping and then took pictures of the animals and grounds. While we were taking pictures of the turkey's behind the fence a wondering turkey snuck up on us. He scared the you know what out of us. We weren't expecting a sneak attack. We were about half way home when I realized I stepped in turkey poo. Yuck. Stinky! It's always and adventure when I go out with B. Scary attacking Turkey's , Turkey Poo.