Thursday, November 26th, 2009
It was a highly tough Thanksgiving this year. My family and I did a GREAT job celebrating the holiday while we grieved for Beth (my sister in law). It's only been 8 months since she passed. The first Easter, first Birthday's, first Thanksgiving, first Christmas, and first any event without her is heart wrenching. I cried in the car on the way there and on the way back but as soon as I seen her babies (my niece and nephews) there was an automatic smile on my face. At 4, 6, and 8 years old they don't really understanding what is happening because it feels like the same Thanksgiving at Grandpa's house that we do every year but where is mommy? Fortunately, we were all together! The kids played with Grandpa's trains in the basement, Z and JT played on Grandma Jo's computer, and I played Sequence with my Grandma. Grandma brought a care package for me and my brother (bless her little heart). Thanks Grandma ... you rock. I enjoyed reminiscing about the past but missed Beth's smile and laughter as she would interrupt to tell us her stories. She was such a social bugger. We ended our Thanksgiving at the commentary to send her turkey wishes. Now, that I think about it I should have took a plate with all the fixing with me and left it there. I know she does not hunger in the lords presence but she might have enjoyed watching the critters eat her food. Love Ya..... Beth. We are thankful that you rejoice in Heaven with no more suffering.