1 Paul Revere was born (1735)
1 Emma M. Nutt become sthe first woman telephone operator. (1878)
1 The ball was first dropped at Times Square in New York City. (1908)
3 Construction began on the Brooklyn Bridge (1870)
6 Samuel Morse demonstrates the telegraph (1838)
7 Astronomer Galileo Galilei discovers four of Jupiters moons. (1610)
9 The United Nations opens it's headquarters in New York City.
10 The world's first underground passenger railway system opens in London, England (1863)
11 American League baseball adopts the "Designated Hitter" rule (1973)
12 Batman debuts on television (1966)
14 The United States of America ratifies a treaty with England ending the Revolutionary war. (1784)
14 The Miami Dolphins defeat the Washington Redskins in Superbowl VII , and become the first undefeated team in NFL history. (1973)
14 The Simpsons debut on television. Will Tv ever be the same again!?! (1990)
15 The Pentagon opens (1943)
15 Happy Days premieres on television (1974)
16 Operation Desert Storm begins to oust Saddam Hussein's' Iraqi forces from Kuwait. (1991)
17 The U.S. Supreme court rules that taping on home VCRs does not violate copyright laws. (1984)
20 The Beatles release "Meet the the Beatles", their first album to the U.S., sparking a new "English invasion". (1964)
20 At 69 years, 349 days old, Ronald Reagan becomes the oldest person to become U.S. president. (1981)
21 Edward Jenner introduces the smallpox vaccine, which eventually leads to wiping out this deadly disease.(1799)
21 The first Kiwanis club is formed in Detroit. (1915)
21 Science fiction writer George Orwell dies. (1950)
22 A historic Supreme Court decision in Roe vs. Wade legalizes abortion. (1973)
23 The deadliest earthquake in history strikes Shansi, China, killing 830,000 people. (1556)
24 Beer was first sold in cans . See Beer Can Appreciation Day (1935)
24 WWII Yalta agreement signed by the U.S., England, and Russia. The agreement defined how Germany would be divided and administered after the war's end.(1945)
25 The first Winter Olympic games begin in Chamonix, France. (1924)
25 The first Emmy awards were given out. (1949)
26 The Dental Drill was patented. (1875)
27 The Russians liberate Auschwitz in WWII (1945)
27 Tragedy strikes the Apollo space program as a fire in the command module kills astronauts Lt. Col. Virgil “Gus” Grissom, Lt. Col. Edward H. White, and Lt. Cdr. Roger Chafee . (1967)
28 U.S. space shuttle Challenger explodes 72 seconds after liftoff, killing the seven crew members. Among the crew was school teacher Christa McAuliffe. (1986)
29 Baseball's American League is founded (1900)
30 Tet New Year offensive launched by Viet Cong guerillas in Vietnam. (1968)
31 Confederates appoint Robert E. Lee their Commander in Chief.