Little C is supposed to start preschool in the fall because of state budget cuts it's possible she will not be able to attend. I need your help please stop this from happening. Please click on the link and send a letter to the legislators and tell them NOT to stop Early Childhood preschool readiness programs. It is easy just visit the link below and hit send. Thanks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The next meeting for our Great Start Collaborative is Wednesday, 8/12 from 1-3 at Bethlehem Lutheran Church 549 E. Mt. Hope (1 block E. of Cedar). There is drop in child care on site and you can reserve that by calling 371-1347. We will discuss whether we want to schedule one of these legislative visits. I can also add you to our email group even if you're not at the meeting.
ECIC | Policy Advocacy Center
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