August 20th, 2009
Z celebrated his 14th birthday today with a sleep over at our house on Jolly Rd with his friend Rylan. We had omelets for dinner and then walked to Quality Dairy for ice cream. Z picked Happy Birthday ice cream and I bought him the teenage popular energy drink called "Monster". After, ice cream the boys did monster shots, apparently so they could stay awake all night. According to Z they fell asleep around 5:00 am. and I woke them up around 8:30am to take him to get his pictures taken at Portriat Innovations in Eastwood Towne Center. It wasn't very smart to let him stay up late the night before pictures because he could barely stay awake during the pictures and his friend Rylan fell asleep on the couch in the waiting area. Fortunatly, they got a GREAT shot during the photo session. I can't believe my first baby is already 14 years old.