We had a pretty low key weekend. Friday, I decided to hit the clearance racks at Jc Penny and get a new swim suit. I could not find any bottoms that I liked. I would have had better luck trading my bottom with the first skinny college chick that walk by. Then maybe, I would be able to find a hot looking bathing suit bottom. I'm not bitter really. Saturday, Dad went to an APT (Association preservation technologys) meeting in Grand Rapids. He was gone most of the day. The kids and I stayed home and vegged out. After Dad got home he put the kids and himself down for a nap. I took advantage of that and went to do my work out and go for a swim. I haven't been in our pool alone yet. I have to tell you it was absolutely wonderful and peaceful. After swimming I went to church. After church went to walgreens to pick up Z's and D's birthday invitations. They turn out really nice. I will be mailing them soon. Sunday, was a great day. Dad and I played with the girls most of the morning and then I went scrapbooking. I'm am getting closer and closer to completing the year 2006. D's book is on June 2006 and Z's is on Aug. 2006. Then, I came home and started to make the club penquin's for the birthday party. I think they turn out cute so far. Just have to paint them. We plan on having a penquin snowball fight during the birthday party. |