July 27th, 2008
Monday, July, 28th, 2008
Deuel Family Reunion
We attended the Deuel family reunion at Raider Park in Decatur. Grandma S. was thrilled to be able to show off her grandchildren. Little C was asked to help with the auction. She copied everything Grandma S. was doing. She was so cute. Great Grandma F. came to the reunion to visit with us. She was happy to see some people she hadn’t seen in a really long time. She also brought a rocking chair for the girls. My grandma is such a thoughtful person. She always has us on her mind. I wish I could be closer to her so I could spend more time with her. Grandma F. told me that most of the F. family was buried in the cemetery behind Raider Park. We decided to take a walk to the cemetery to visit the graves. It was very interesting to see gravestones dating back to the 1800’s. My Grandpa F’s grandparents are buried there. I took some pictures of the site and got the family history from Grandma F. I think this will be useful to use, if and when I decide to do my family genealogy.