Little D has been planning her birthday for about 6 months now. She has been counting down the days on a small calendar that Daddy put on the refrigerator for her. In the winter Little D went to her best friend’s birthday party at Chuck E Cheese. Ever since then she wanted to have a birthday party there. Well, Mom and Dad didn’t think a party with a bunch of kids crammed into a small table at Chuck E. Cheese would be very much fun. So, we decided that we would honor her wishes and have a family dinner there on her actual birthday. Every birthday Big D and I let the children tell us what they want to have for their birthday dinner. They also get to pick out what kind of cake they want. We never buy a cake; it is always baked by our favorite Daddy. Little D wanted a yellow cake with chocolate frosting. We always keep tradition by putting out the same birthday candle, birthday hat, special birthday plate, and decorations. The kids are so used to their special birthday table that Little D requested the table be decorated right after breakfast. She was a little disappointed that she couldn’t eat breakfast on her special plate. Z wondered how long it was going to take to burn down the birthday candle. A few years ago I ordered a large birthday candle that burns from 1 to 18. Since we only burn it 5 times a year it is still on 1. I am sure the kids will remember these traditions for years to come. Little D received a Ken doll, colored pencils, and a fan for her birthday. She is now waiting for her big Club Penguin party on August 10th.