Labor Day Weekend
August 30th - September 1st, 2008
We went to Bills cabin on Silver Lake in Clare. On the way up we did a
letterbox. It was a urban box and the clues led to a scrapbook store in
Clair. Too bad the store was closed. Scrapin is one of my favorite
hobbies. I was exhausted when we arrived to the cabin because I needed
to take Benedryl for my allergies. :( The girls were very excited to get
into the water. We barely got in the door before they stripped and put on
their suits. I relaxed on the dock with Cheryl while they swam.
Big D and Bill went to a garage sale. Bill can't pass up a good deal. After
our swim the kids got out a sprinkler. We had ham, potatoes, and all the
fixin's for dinner and brownies for dessert. Then, we went out on the
pontoon for a boat ride. The girls went tubing for the first time. Little D
did a great job swimming in the middle of the lake with the other kids.
Little C really didn't like swimming in the middle but loved tubing. We put Enchanted in for the
gilrs to watch as the big boys went for a moonlite ride and fishing. I
spent some quit time journaling and it was delightful. We had a bonfire to
end the night.
It was another glorius day. I went for a float on the paddle boat to sun
myself. There isn't anything better then the smell of a boat on the
lake, the feel of the radiant sun on my face, the gentle warm air, and total
piece and stillness. Only the growl of my tummy brought me back to
shore. Before we left to go home we tried to catch a wild kitten. He was
so cute we wanted to take him home. However, we didn't realize how
hard it would be to catch him. We had four adults running around digging
through log piles and we couldn't get him. I guess is wasn't meant to be. The
kitten reminded me of S'more. S'more was known as my cat and he ran away when
we moved. I was heart broken. He had a unique personality
and we loved each other very much. I am now growing closer to our cat
Valentine (aka: Sissy, Siss, Val) but she is a little snotty.
To view the album of our trip go to the link below.
http://photos.k13family.com/GalleryThumbnails.aspx?gallery=120604Big C